WHO Consultation on Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disorders

Posted by Gulbenkian

WHO Consultation on Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disorders

World Autism Awareness Day has succeeded in calling greater international attention to autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other developmental disorders that affect millions of people worldwide and account for more than 0.4% of all disability-adjusted life years.

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution on this issue in December 2012. The Executive Board of the World Health Organization adopted a resolution on comprehensive and coordinated efforts for the management of autism spectrum disorders during its 133rd session in May 2013.

WHO thus convened a consultation to identify priorities for action and effective strategies for strengthening capacities in countries. The meeting brought together high-level stakehol- ders, policy makers, experts from relevant disciplines, civil society, international organizations and NGOs.

Please check the whole document

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