Official press-release of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia concerning the meeting with Benedetto Saraceno

Posted by Gulbenkian

Official press-release of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia concerning the meeting with Benedetto Saraceno

Mr. Saraceno is an international expert in mental health field, professor at Geneva and Lisbon universities; during years Mr. Saraceno has been the head of Mental Health Department of World Health Organization (WHO); at present he represents the Gulbenkian Global Mental Health Platform.

The parties of the mentioned above meeting discussed the recent developments and planned activities within mental health care field in Georgia: the plan of action on mental health which is being promoted by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs is based on a new systemic approach and it provides a vision entirely different from traditionally existing practices in the area of mental health. Mr. Saraceno considers very positively the steps so far taken towards the development of the action plan. During the meeting it was noted that Georgia is open to sharing with international experts the process of leading to the planned reform of mental health system. The country is ready to invite well-known recognized experts with the purpose to ensure the compliance of the Mental Health National Action Plan with international standards. There is an interest to develop innovative approaches and specific steps towards the planned process of deinstitutionalization.

High-level international consultations have been planned for 2014 and 2015 in cooperation with the Gulbenkian Global Mental Health Platform.

The parties hope that by means of the mentioned above consultations, the country will create the exemplary model for mental health care system throughout the region.

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